Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Other Source for Lutheran News

There's nothing easy about being a Missouri Synod Lutheran. Nothing. Until now.

Had you wanted news in the past about events in the Missouri Synod, you had to read The Reporter, Christian News, JesusFirst, and 3,428 blogs to know what was happening in the Synod. The Theological Organ can now be your one-stop source for Missouri-Synod, present-oriented, hyphen-friendly, im-partisan news. We'll sort through the sources to bring you the very finest stories available.


josh said...

Thanks, Old Pete, for resurrecting this tantalizing and thought-suppressing journalistic wonder. No longer to pastors have to ask the question: "are we really pastors without the theological organ?"

jWinters said...

Thank goodness the Organ is back.


Brandt said...

Bring it back. Bring it back.