Tuesday, January 15, 2008

President Kieschnick Unveils New Task Force to Coordinate Other Task Forces

ST. LOUIS- In an effort to streamline Synodical operations and coordinate the efforts of various colored-ribbon task forces, LCMS President Gerald Kieschnick today outlined his vision for a new task force. What will tentatively be called the Ribbon of White Task Force to Force the Accomplishment of Tasks Assigned to Blue and Other Colored Ribbon Task Forces, or RoWTFtFtAoTAtBaOCRTF, already seems to have the support of numerous other Task Forces. The RoWTFtFtAoTAtBaOCRTF will coordinate efforts between the BRTFSSG (Blue Ribbon Task Force on Synodical Structure and Governance), the BRTFFM (Blue Ribbon Task Force for Funding the Mission), NGTF (the Next Generation Task Force), the M21CTF (Mission 21st Century Task Force), as well as numerous yet-to-be tasked and colored forces.

While Kieschnick has yet to name his appointees to RoWTFtFtAoTAtBaOCRTF, several unnamed sources expect this announcement soon, as the RoWTFtFtAoTAtBaOCRTF has work to begin immediately. Eventually, the RoWTFtFtAoTAtBaOCRTF will make recommendations to the president about future task forces and the appropriate color ribbons for them. This is a bold move by the president that will reduce the amount of bureaucratic red tape, or at least, the amount of red ribbons. For now.

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